November 15, 2023

What are the application scenarios of inspection robots?

Inspection robots can achieve intelligent inspections of railway tracks, platforms, and tunnels, promptly identifying potential hazards. Bionic hands can be integrated at the end of robotic arms, serving as precision actuators suitable for high-risk operations and specialized tasks. …

How does the intelligent data center inspection robot promote the intelligence of the data center?

The D1 integrates various artificial intelligence technologies such as AI deep learning, autonomous navigation, visual recognition, voice interaction, and facial recognition. It achieves the intelligent and visualized operation and maintenance of data centers by recognizing indicator lights, instruments, switches, LED screens, as well as real-time monitoring of environmental dynamics and real-time inventory of assets.

What are the functional modules of the data center inspection robot?

The intelligent data center inspection robot includes the robot body, the robot control system, which comprises a sub-controller, a face recognition module for identifying data center personnel through facial recognition, and a designated follow module for synchronously following and recording images when external personnel enter the data center. What are the functional modules of the intelligent data center inspection robot?